Musica Para el Alma

jueves, 14 de julio de 2016

evangelio en ingles

Friday, July 15, 2016
The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath
MATEO (12.1 to 8):

Saturday from those Jesus was going through a field; the disciples, who were hungry, began to pluck heads of grain and eat them. The Pharisees saw this, they said, "Look, your disciples are doing something that is not allowed on the Sabbath."
They replied: "Have not you read what David did when he and his men were hungry? He entered the house of God and ate of the loaves presented, which was not permitted them neither he nor his companions but only the priests. And have you not read in the law that priests can violate the Sabbath in the temple are guiltless? But I say that here is one that is more than the temple. If you had known what this means "desire mercy and not sacrifice, 'you would not have condemned those without fault. For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. "

Lord's word

Friday, July 15, 2016: MATEO (12.1 to 8): (The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath). The Lord tells me something important * desire mercy and not sacrifice * when I live in sacrifice, live in pride, the arrogance, the arrogance, the intolerance, arrogance, because I understand that you have to respect my judgment, ( An Army. that happened to me, when a person gives me an explanation of something or some issue, which I have no idea, I say do not you creo¡ that do not think so, somehow hurts the feeling of the porous, is I say this not to agree, but if instead of saying, do not think so, I tell you * really not person *, you will feel pleasant my answer) (it is already time for me to learn to say * not * I'll research). The Lord invites me to live in mercy, and mercy is related to the miseries and has at the same time relative to the heart, is like picking the miseries, the needs, the injustices of the other and load it into my heart, make me the needs of the other, that the Lord wants me, I learn to have compassion with others.
"Whoever desires and wants love, with the heart as the Lord: become, SANTO"